Patricia Highsmith

 Patricia Highsmith 's Books

A very well recieved series by Patricia Highsmith are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Small G: A Summer Idyll, The Boy Who Followed Ripley, Edith's Diary, Ripley's Game, Mermaids on the Golf Course: Stories, Slowly, Slowly in the Wind, People Who Knock on the Door, The Glass Cell, The Blunderer, Those Who Walk Away, A Suspension of Mercy, Eleven, Found in the Street, Ripley Under Ground, The Black House, The Cry of the Owl, The Talented Mr. Ripley, This Sweet Sickness, The Two Faces of January, The Animal-Lover's Book of Beastly Murder, A Dog's Ransom, Deep Water, Strangers on a Train, Ripley Under Water, Small g, Nothing That Meets the Eye, Patricia Highsmith - The Tremor of Forgery, Mermaids on the Golf Course, Suspension of Mercy, The Price of Salt, or Carol, Glass Cell, which was published in 2022.